iROC Client Testimonials

“iROC has given Cedar Point a strong foundation to build a solid training program that produces consistent, competent ride operators.”
Colleen Murphy Brady, Vice President, Park Operations – Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio

"Ocean Park Hong Kong has experienced a tremendous amount of growth over the past few years and we were in need of expert training for our Ride Operations team to ensure we kept pace with this growth. After having sent a few key team members to the iROC in Las Vegas, we realized the impact this could have on our operations and began discussions with [IRT] to bring this program to Hong Kong. [IRT] formulated a custom iROC and front line operator program to be held at our park for our entire team. The fun, interactive program cut through the language and cultural barriers and gave the team a new enthusiasm and excitement about delivering the key objectives of SAFETY, SERVICE and SHOW in their ride areas. Two years on, we now look forward to this annual program each spring that has become a cornerstone of our Ride Operations training plan."
Todd Hougland, VP of Operations & Entertainment – Ocean Park, Hong Kong

"By providing a comprehensive and standards-based curriculum, iROC means consistency in training – both trainers and front-line staff. The Ten Critical Components and their associated standards of performance mean enhanced accountability and a logical path to success. iROC instills a level of pride and accomplishment throughout our team. It gives them a clear purpose and results in an operation where safety takes the highest priority in everything we do.”
Dino Fazio, Director of Operations – The Morey Organization